Red Devil Training & Consulting offers your department highly cost-effective training that doesn't adhere to the conventional per-student charging model. Our approach ensures that the overall training cost per student remains significantly lower compared to sending individuals to traditional "fire schools."
Consider making your department a host for our classes or seminars, allowing you to charge outsiders for attendance. For more details, reach out to Red Devil Training & Consulting.
At the core of Red Devil Training & Consulting's philosophy is combating "Organizational Implosion" – a phenomenon characterized by self-destructive organizational behavior that arises from insular practices. This isolation, particularly prevalent in the fire service with a "we'll do it our way" mentality, leads to a disconnect from the broader industry. Prolonged isolation can result in organizational collapse, with potentially dire consequences such as injuries or deaths in the fire service.

Mike Bucy
Founder and Principal
Red Devil Training & Consulting dismantles this destructive pattern by providing training that breaks the walls of organizational isolation. We facilitate knowledge transfer at a pace that suits everyone in the department, aiming to supplement and complement existing training divisions without seeking to replace them.
Looking for a dynamic and knowledgeable speaker for your department, training academy, seminar, or conference? Red Devil Training & Consulting introduces Fire Chief Mike Bucy, a seasoned speaker with 75 combined years of emergency service experience. Chief Bucy emphasizes the importance of teaching firefighters how to think, not what to think.
Chief Bucy's extensive experience includes presenting at prominent events such as IAFC's Fire-Rescue International, the Station Style Conference, F.I.E.R.O. Station Design, Indiana Emergency Response Conference, and numerous local, regional, and state trainings nationwide. With over 22 years in Chief Officer positions throughout his 38+ year career, Chief Bucy has not only presented on various topics but has also authored numerous fire service articles. His departments have consistently been pioneers, staying ahead of national trends with innovative approaches to emergency service delivery.